ASUS RealBench 2.43 317 MBASUS RealBench benchmark test can judge the real performance of your system allowing you to compare a new build to an old one or the stock speed an overclocked one. Although it can be competitive, ASUS RealBench is not primarily designed to be more hardcore and time-consuming but rather a benchmark for everyone to easily use.
By running all three of the ASUS RealBench tests you will receive a total score, each of the three tests uses different parts of your PC subsystem, so all areas are covered. Your results can be shared on the ROG forums if you choose in order to compare them to others, or, compare to pre/post overclocks and pre/post upgrades to get maximum value from your PC.Comments (0)#10:25 February 2016 Views: 0. GPU-Z 1.10.0 w/ ASUS ROG Skin + Portable 2.1/2.1 MbGPU-Z is a basic tool that launches a small, tabbed interface with no bells and whistles, just information in a dialog box-style window. The download is simply an executable file that you run directly - theres no installing or configuring necessary. This free utility supports Nvidia and ATI cards.
At launch, it automatically scans your system and reports the card name, GPU, release date and transistors, BIOS version, ROPs, memory type, and memory size.Comments (0) Friends: This site does not store any files on its server.We only index and link to content provided by other sites.If you have any doubts about legality of content or you have another suspicions, feel free to.