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Survey products may use different units, datums or projections than the associated survey. Please consult product-specific metadata for additional details.
Bathymetric Attributed Grid (BAG) Data The BAG format is a gridded, multi-dimensional bathymetric data file (see ). Readable with various applications such as the free, or open source. The BAGXYZ files are ascii representations of the BAG data in XYZ format, but do not include uncertainty. 2.68MB 20.16MB 34.45MB 25.44MB 93.12MB 2.89MB 175.1KB 96.59MB 31.38MB 2.87MB 32.49MB 19.07MB 2.50MB 149.4KB NOAA/NOS Sounding Data Download data from the Point Store database via NEXT (NCEI Extract System). Point soundings are from the survey Smooth Sheet or of similar density. Depths in meters.
Horizontal datum is (converted to) NAD83 if possible. Vertical datum is (converted to) Mean Lower Low Water if possible. Please check the associated metadata to confirm the correct datums. The data file format is: SurveyID, Long, Lat, Depth.