Contents. If you are buying a new computer, it is best to select one with a wireless component that is designed for free software like Linux. A card designed for free software gives you improved support. Free software compatible devices also work out of the box. currently offers a 802.11N USB card with the AR9170 chipset that guarantees free software compatibility. Also available are MiniPCI wifi cards for laptop computers and USB Bluetooth adapters to connect Bluetooth wireless devices.
sells a PCI card that is Linux compatible (although not free software compatible) for desktop computers. has additional information on which chipsets and drivers are free software compatible.
Some other cards are Linux compatible, but not free software compatible. These usually work, but in some cases may not.
Even if your wireless card does not have a driver designed for Ubuntu, you may be able to get it to work using and a Microsoft Windows driver. This comes at the expense of functionality and reliability. If you get this method working your Internet connection will most likely be very unstable.
Other Ubuntu wiki pages on Wireless Networking:. Wireless Cards To determine what wireless card/chipset you have, first determine whether it is a separate device plugged into the computer or not.
If it is a separate USB device, open up a terminal and type the following: lsusb and look for words like 'wireless' to find your card type. For chips that are not USB but included in the computer, type: lspci -v and read the last section. By Manufacturer The Community has created articles for the following Manufacturers.
Manufacturer Card Type By Version See this page: By Card Please take a moment and add your card to the wiki if there isn't a page on that device yet. It's very simple, try to follow the format of template but don't worry too much about following guidelines. It's much more important to document your experience for others. To create a page, simply enter the model # and version in the box (example: dwl-g650vB5) and then click on the Create Device Page button. If there is a page on your device already, open it and add your comments/experience to the existing page.